Samarasa Suddha Sanmargam is a non religious spiritual path . Vadalur is its headquarter . Many sadhus (ascetics) are living in Vadalur .
Sadhukkal Sangam established in 2019
The main duty of the Sangam is to protect the Sadhus ( ascetics ) by providing them basic facilities especially good sanmarga food , place to stay , clothes and the other essential needs like herbs and herbal products etc . And Sangam guide them in the path of Sanmargam through various training camps .
Public Activities
Through the Sadhukkal Sangam food donation are being carried out regularly and campaigns on non killing and promoting vegetarianism are being carried out.
During natural calamities sadhus goes to poorly affected places and provide necessary assistance.
Contact us
Samarasa Suddha Sanmarkka Sathya Sanga Sadhukkal Trust
2, Kottaikkarai,
Kalppattu Ayya Nagar,
Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India,
Phone +91-8428665975, 6380811581,
Email:[email protected].